Exercising While Pregnant Helps Both Mom and Baby

There is so much excitement and happiness surrounding the time when a woman finds out she is going to be a mom. Most moms-to-be want to do everything and anything possible to make sure baby is as healthy as possible.

When it comes to exercising while pregnant the benefits outweigh the risks. Research has shown that there are no negative effects to safe pregnancy exercises.

Benefits of Exercising While Pregnant

  • Reduces backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling
  • May help prevent, or control, gestational diabetes
  • Increase energy and improves mood
  • Improve and maintain good posture
  • Promotes general muscle tone, strength and endurance. Women who exercise during pregnancy have shown to gain up to 8 pounds less than those who do not.
  • May improve your ability to cope with labor
  • Return to pre-pregnancy strength & flexibility faster

With all the positive effects of exercise during pregnancy, there are still some more general do’s and don’ts once starting a fitness routine.

What To Do When Exercising While Pregnant

  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after
  • Eat healthy calories to support the needs of exercise as well as pregnancy
    • Try to finish eating at least 1 hour before exercise to avoid heartburn
  • Make sure you are outfitted in the proper gear from your shoes to your sports bra
  • Aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise four to five days a week

What Not To Do When Exercising While Pregnant

  • Participate in activities involving rapid, uncontrollable bouncing or swinging, as well as contact sports and any sports with a fall risk
  • Exercise when it is hot and humid
  • Exercise to the point of breathlessness or exhaustion
    • Use “The Talk Test” – if you are unable to hold a conversation while you exercise, you are working too hard.

Active Pregnancy Class

Good Shepherd Penn Partners offers a How to Have a Safe and Active Pregnancy class where our expert therapists will teach you about exercising while pregnant. 

At this virtual class, physical therapists and physical therapist assistants will go over:

  • Proper posture to reduce stress and strain on the body
  • Proper lifting and carrying techniques
  • Common pregnancy related conditions
  • Exercise guidelines and specific exercises to reduce stress and strain on the body