Aphasia Treatment
Aphasia treatment at Penn Medicine | Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Outpatient Therapy is provided by a team of highly skilled therapists working closely to achieve the best recovery possible for you and your needs.
What is Aphasia?
Aphasia is a communication disorder that is acquired after brain injury such as stroke, head trauma, or brain tissue deterioration. It affects the understanding and expression of spoken and written language and ranges from mildly to severely impaired. Aphasia is a disorder of language NOT a change in intelligence.
What are Symptoms of Aphasia?
Aphasia affects everyone differently. The following symptoms are more common and include difficulty:
- Repeating words or phrases
- Speaking or finding the words you want to say
- Understanding spoken messages
- Reading and/or writing
- Saying or using numbers
What are the Most Common Types of Aphasia?
Broca’s Aphasia—speech is effortful and vocabulary is limited but the person has better understanding of the meaning of words. People may produce appropriate words or short sentences with great difficulty.
Wernicke’s Aphasia—speech is easily produced in grammatically correct sentences but lacks content and understanding of the meaning of words. People may produce words at a normal speed but what they are saying does not make much sense.
Global Aphasia —the most severe form of aphasia resulting in very limited understanding and production of speech. It is difficult to communicate basic needs, follow directions, answer simple yes or no questions, repeat words, or say the name of people/places/things.
Primary Progressive Aphasia —the loss of language that worsens with time due to a neurodegenerative disease. It can start similarly to Broca’s or Wernicke’s and worsens with the progressive nature of the disease.
How do we Treat Aphasia?
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) are therapists who assess language to identify strengths and weaknesses. Language strengths are used to enhance language weaknesses during structured and unstructured tasks. Communication strategies are developed with the person with aphasia and their communication partners to maximize the understanding and expression of wants, needs and ideas. Strategies can include the use of gestures, closed-ended questions, yes/no questions, communication boards, and speech-generating communication devices. Communication problems can persist but typically improve function and/or quality of life with time and therapy. Support groups are also available for further education and support from others in the community with aphasia.
Call 215-294-9216 or email [email protected] for information about our support group.
Communication Strategies
- Show what you mean with facial expression and gestures
- Use short sentences with simple words
- Allow extra time to process information
- Confirm understanding with yes or no questions
Virtual Aphasia Support Group
Mission: This virtual group provides anyone with aphasia (newly diagnosed or chronic) and their families a safe and supportive environment to:
- practice speech and language
- learn about aphasia
- socialize with others who have aphasia
- participate in interactive sessions
Monthly meetings: Second Wednesday of every month, 3 p.m.
For more information: Contact the Aphasia Support Group at 215-893-6431 or via email.
For more information or to request an appointment, please call 877-969-7342 or fill out the form below.