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Amanda Pinter
Occupational Therapist
Preferred First Name: Amanda
Pronoun: She
- Radnor: 250 King of Prussia Road, Suite 100 · Radnor, PA 19087
Request an Appointment
For more information or to request an appointment, please call 877-969-7342 or fill out our form.
- Vision
- Neuro
- Concussion
- Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction
- Parkinson's
Special Interests
- Stroke
- Concussion
- Brain Injury
Highest Therapy Degree
Masters of Occupational Therapy
- Masters Degree: Occupational Therapy
- Masters School Name: University of St. Augustine
- Masters Graduation Year: 2020
- School Name: Pennsylvania State University
- Degree: Rehabilitation Human Services
- Graduation Year: 2018