Stoplight Program
Our goal is to get you back home safely and confidently. When you arrive at Penn Rehab, your care team will work to create a personalized patient safety plan. This plan will ensure that everyone involved in your care (you, caregivers, doctors, family members, nurses, and therapists) is aware of the best way to help continue your recovery.
Each day, your patient safety plan will be reviewed by your care team and will be modified based on your increased abilities. To discuss your patient safety plan in depth, please feel free to contact your therapy and nursing team.
Standard Precautions (every patient)
- Bed low
- call bell in reach
- no clutter
Other precautions may include precautions such as:
- Bed alarm
- Chair alarm
- Bathroom observation
- 1 person assist
- 2 person assist
Ongoing evaluations will be done daily to determine the level of supervision your care team has determined you need to ensure your safety. The indication colors listed below mean the following:
Red Level of Supervision
- Patient kept within sight of staff and call bell within reach
- Do not leave unattended in the bathroom
- A patient in any seat restraint is automatically a red level and must be in sight of staff
Yellow Level of Supervision
- Patient may be in room with periodic supervision and call bell within reach
- Do not leave unattended in the bathroom
- Bed alarms must be on if patient is in bed and seatbelt or chair alarm must be on when patient is in chair
Green Level of Supervision
- Patient may be in room alone with door closed if patient requests privacy
- Patient may be allowed to use bathroom independently with call bell in reach